When you think of porridge, what do you think? Rice porridge? Oatmeal? These are most common, but you can make porridge from ANY grain! What I love about Ayurveda is that depending on your body type, you can choose whatever grain balances your unique body type! This Barley Autumn Porridge, for example, is a porridge that is great for Kapha types, unlike rice porridge or oatmeal! It is vegan, soy-free, oat-free, dairy-free, nut-free, and wheat-free. It can also be made fat-free, if desired, but ghee in many cases is recommended, especially for gut-cleansing in Ayurveda.

This porridge uses ingredients high in Air energy plus warming spices. These balance the cool, Water energy that dominates Kapha body types. What is a Kapha body type? Learn more in my post here.

But this recipe is not only for Kapha types! Because of its warming and drying qualities, this Barley Autumn Porridge is also fantastic for dissolving ama, or undigested toxins that accumulate in our gut and initiate ALL physical disease.

So, if you are on a cleanse program, like my Ayurvedic Cleanse Program (click here), this is a porridge you can enjoy that will improve your digestion and dissolve your ama, no matter what body type you are. This recipe is also very easy to make and makes a tasty Ayurvedic Breakfast.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry or oily skin
  • Balance indigestion and constipation
  • Balance cold and dry emotions such as lethargy and anxiety
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Keep blood sugar stable

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


A cooling ingredient and diuretic, barley is a whole grain best suited for Kapha and Pitta types. It is high in Air energy, which makes it great for reducing ama (toxins), acidic digestion, mucus in the stool, lethargy, diarrhea, and congestion. It is useful in lung and sinus disorders as well as edema, diabetes, and diseases of the kidney. Pair it with warming spices and ghee or oil to make it suitable for Vata dosha.

Pink Himalayan Salt (also called Rock Salt)

Rock salt is salt that is mined at high altitudes, most commonly from regions close to the Himalayas. It is drying and hot in potency. It does not behave the same in the body as regular table salt. While processed table salt contributes to toxin buildup, rock salt helps to dissolve toxins and “ama.” It relieves congestion, bloating, and water retention. It is great for urinary disorders such as diabetes and for cysts, growths, and fluid secretions. It also helps to promote a regular digestion. It is great for Kapha dosha but can be used in small amounts for Pitta and Vata body types as well.


High in Fire energy, cinnamon is a perfect heating spice to warm an imbalanced “Air” element (Vata) and melt excess “Earth/Water” elements (Kapha). It is great for keeping the blood sugar stable, dissolving excess fat, reducing headaches, reducing lethargy, and reducing anxiety. It is also great for regulating digestive issues, especially with mucus in the stool or constipation.