A pizza crust that settles easy on the stomach AND helps to balance Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha! This Corn Crust Pizza is like a corn tortilla but thicker, crispier, and healthier! It is gluten-free, oil-free, and requires very few ingredients! It does not require yeast or egg, which can be heavy on the digestion.

Non-GMO corn is a high Air-energy food, which is opposite to Pitta (Fire energy) and Kapha (Earth energy). So, it helps to BALANCE them out! Air energy foods help to calm Pitta’s wild Fire energy, helping to reduce inflammation and acidity. For Kapha body types, who tend to feel heavy or congested, Air energy foods like this Corn Crust Pizza can help to dry and dissolve the heaviness.

Did I also mention that you do not need an oven to make this?! It’s a delicious win all around, especially if you have digestive issues such as acidity or mucusy stool. Give it a try, and let me know how you like it!

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Reduce excess weight, growths, and cysts
  • Lower body inflammation, burning, and swelling
  • Reduce anger, lethargy, and depressive emotions
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Get energized and clear body toxins
  • Clear red, oily skin
  • Reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:

Corn Flour

In moderate amounts, corn is balancing for all doshas. It has a sweet vipaka (post-digestion energy) and is a moderate Air energy food. Corn is best for Kapha dosha, especially for providing natural sweetness for Kapha types on a low sugar diet. It is useful in treating urinary problems and a good food source for diabetes and those with excess weight.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are high in Earth energy and best for Vata types. They are great for healthy hormone production and proper functioning of the nervous system, brain, and gastrointestinal tract. They are a great replacement for eggs as a binder in baking or burger/patty/”meat”ball making, with less cholesterol and a healthy Omega 3 ratio. Although they have an Earth energy, they are a better choice than eggs, even for Kapha and Pitta types, because they are less “ama” (toxin) producing and easier to digest if you have a weakened digestion.

Pink Himalayan Salt

Rock salt is salt that is mined at high altitudes, most commonly from regions close to the Himalayas. It is drying and hot in potency. It does not behave the same in the body as regular table salt. While processed table salt contributes to toxin buildup, rock salt helps to dissolve toxins and “ama.” It relieves congestion, bloating, and water retention. Unlike sea salt, it is great for urinary disorders such as diabetes and for cysts, growths, and fluid secretions. It also helps to promote a regular digestion.