Is there anything more satisfying than freshly-made bread? How about a probiotic, gut-friendly bread that is good for our digestion, losing weight, fighting inflammation, and clearing toxins? It’s a beautiful thing when our favorite foods can work WITH our health instead of against it!

This tridoshic bread is great for all body types, and you don’t even need to turn on your stove! Instead of baking this bread, it is steamed to preserve all of the nutrients and as many probiotics as possible. It involves simple, plant-based ingredients – no baking soda, no yeast. Yeast can be difficult for all body types to digest. Ayurvedically, it is not recommended to use yeast for optimal health. This bread is also sugar-free, oil-free, and gluten-free!

How does it get so fluffy without yeast!? This is the big secret, and it’s the natural fermentation process that helps to break down the grains, increase healthy bacteria, and add fluffiness to the bread.

Fermenting takes a few days to do, and it depends on the weather. If it is warm in your house or you live in a warmer climate, the fermentation will take place in about 2 days. It may take longer if you live in a cooler climate. If you do live in a cooler climate, I recommend placing the grain in the oven with the oven light on (heat off) until the fermentation is done!

This bread is a labor of love, but it involves no kneading and needs your attention for only a few minutes per day, and the rest will take care of itself.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Keep a healthy weight
  • Balance digestion
  • Remove bodily toxins
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Make a guilt-free bread if you have diabetes/hypertension

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are high in Earth energy and best for Vata types. They are great for healthy hormone production and proper functioning of the nervous system, brain, and gastrointestinal tract. They are a great replacement for eggs as a binder in baking or burger/patty/”meat”ball making, with less cholesterol and a healthy Omega 3 ratio. Although they have an Earth energy, they are a better choice than eggs, even for Kapha and Pitta types, because they are less “ama” (toxin) producing and easier to digest if you have a weakened digestion.


An ancient whole grain and seeded grass, millet is highly Kapha-balancing and toxin-cleansing. It is great for dissolving excess fat and reducing bodily congestion. It is excellent for diabetes and hypertension management.

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I am Kristina Barile, CAHC, MS. I am a nationally certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and want to share the power of Ayurvedic healing with you! I created Blissfud to help you bring Ayurveda into your own home, nourish your body and mind in a natural way, and share hand-crafted plant-based recipes for every body type! For more personalized plans, I am available for private, online consultations.

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