This Tamarind Apple Chutney will change EVERYTHING about your next meal. The combination of sweet and sour notes with fall-inspired spices make this heartwarming side dish an amazing, flavorful topping for rice, quinoa, or any other whole grain. It is just the thing, that spark, that your plate might be missing.

There are so many Ayurvedic benefits to this chutney. Vata dosha, or Air energy, is balanced by sweet, sour and salty tastes. The cleansing rock salt, the sour tamarind paste, and the sweet apples are the perfect marriage for a Vata side dish.

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

In Ayurveda, this is not necessarily true! Raw apples are high in Vata dosha, which means they can make Vata symptoms like bloating, headaches, dryness, spasms, anxiety, and dizziness WORSE! However, cooking the apples infuses them with Fire and Water energy. This creates a very balancing food for Vata dosha.

This recipe is vegan and gluten free. It is best enjoyed from the end of summer to early winter (January) period.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry skin
  • Balance indigestion, bloating, and constipation
  • Balance “cold and dry” emotions such as fatigue and anxiety
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this Tamarind Apple Chutney recipe include:


There are over 7500 varieties of apple in the world. Most of the apples you buy from the grocery store are crisp, slightly dry, and high in Air (Vata) energy. Raw apple is excellent for Pitta and Kapha dosha. It helps to clean the liver, dissolve excess mucus and fat, as well as reducing inflammation, burning, and swelling. Cooked apple is best for Vata types, helping to relieve bloating, anxiety, constipation, dryness, and lack of menstruation.


A sour pulp extracted from a tropical tree pod. It promotes digestion and also provides grounding for any body instability. Examples include spasms, tremors, irregular digestion, and irregular menses. It helps increase body fluid production such as digestive enzymes, reproductive fluid. It increases blood flow, reduces anemia, and supports immunity. It helps with the assimilation of nutrients from your food into your deeper tissues as well.


High in Fire energy, cinnamon is a perfect heating spice to warm an imbalanced “Air” element and melt excess “Earth/Water” elements. It is great for keeping the blood sugar stable, dissolving excess fat, reducing headaches, reducing lethargy, and reducing anxiety.

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