Vata Dosha is composed of Air and Space energies. Vata Dosha is present in ALL of our bodies and serves many important functions. A Vata constitution, however, means that you have predominantly Vata Dosha present in your body, slightly stronger than Pitta and Kapha Doshas. This manifests in different body characteristics which we will explore more here.

What does Vata Dosha control in the body?

Vata dosha is primarily responsible for movement and flow within the body. Air “moves” from place to place. This prevents stagnation within our deeper tissues. A few duties of Vata Dosha are the following:

  • It governs the proper “flow” of the blood and menstrual fluid.
  • It keeps food and waste moving downward through the digestive tract, skin, and urinary system so it can be successfully eliminated.
  • It controls the nervous system and the sense of touch, allowing for the movement of impulses to pass from the body to the brain and visa versa.
  • It controls communication. It promotes the free flow of thought and speech.
  • It allows for healthy respiration, another important system of waste removal (carbon dioxide).

On a subtler level, Vata Dosha is related to “Prana,” which is the vital life force. According to Ayurveda, prana is brought into the fetus and brings a human to life. Without a healthy flow of Prana, a person cannot survive. The connection between Vata Dosha and Prana can more easily be seen with breathwork. By practicing certain breathing techniques, you manipulate Vata Dosha through the lungs. This can actually increase our Prana, energy, vitality, and life expectancy.

vata dosha ayurveda skinny girl women


How do I know if I am a Vata constitution?

All five elements (Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) are present within all of us. However, due to many factors such as our parents’ constitutions and body types, the time of conception, mother’s emotion during fetal development, and other influences, we are born with certain elements being more pronounced than others. Air and Space have the following qualities:

  • Mobile
  • Subtle
  • Cold
  • Light
  • Clear
  • Hard
  • Rough
  • Dry

These qualities manifest in a Vata person as dry/cracked skin, rough hair, crooked teeth, thin frame and build, protruding/cracking joints, thin lips, and very short or very tall heights.

They tend to feel cold and gravitate to warmer climates. The “mobility” quality in Vata types manifests as creativity, easily moving from one thought to the other, not settling in one place for too long, and open-heartedness. Vata types could be travelers, artists, writers, “hippies,” and spiritual seekers. They are fluid in their beliefs and relationships.

What happens when Vata Dosha is out of balance?

When off-balance, an increase in the air element can lead to constipation, bloating, dry skin, anxiety, fear, insomnia, confusion, dizziness, and other symptoms. An increase in the space element can lead to ringing in the ears, headaches, and loss of sensation of touch in the skin.

Imbalanced Vata types have irregular digestion and can alternate between constipation and diarrhea. They tend to be gassy and bloated. When increased Vata symptoms go unchecked, it can lead to nervous system issues, muscle spasms, emaciation, infertility, arthritis, heart palpitations, internal dryness, intestinal obstruction, and inability to concentrate.

How to find balance with a Vata constitution?

Vata types benefit from stability and a set routine, which keep them grounded, as well as grounding, heavy, oily, warm, moist, soft foods, which help to offset the air/space qualities already dominant in their nature. Lifestyle changes such as a warm morning oil massage and morning alternating-nostril breathing can help keep Vata in check all-year round.


You can find specific recipes to balance Vata Dosha in the Recipe section!


Do you have a current Vata imbalance?

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms of imbalance above, you may have an excess of Vata dosha in the system. There may also be several doshas affected, which can cause Vata dosha to increase. If you would like to learn more about your constitution and how to balance your unique body type, sign up for my newsletter above to stay up to date on future E-books that will help each dosha find their unique balance through diet and lifestyle.