These Cardamom Poached Pears have all of the warmth and comfort of a delicious dessert but with wholesome ingredients that will make you feel GREAT and balanced. Having a simple, homemade warm dessert on a cold autumn or winter evening is like a big hug, so cozy and grounding.

I love this dessert because it is incredibly easy to make, and you don’t have to turn on your oven. You don’t even have to wait for your dessert to set in the freezer. This tasty treat will be ready for you in 10 minutes, and you don’t need any fancy ingredients to make it!

Cooked pears are a very healing ingredient for all body types. Pears have a natural “cooling” energy, but by cooking them, they take on more “heating” energy. This results in a perfectly balanced, simple dessert that your digestion will thank you for!

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry, oily, or inflamed skin
  • Balance indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Balance hot and dry emotions such as anger and anxiety
  • Balance out inflammations in the digestive tract, hyperacidity, or ulcers
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Keep blood sugar stable

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the healing Ayurvedic ingredients in this recipe include:


Pear is high in “Air” energy, making it perfect for balancing excess Earth and Fire dosha, which are typically experienced by Pitta and Kapha types. A ripened pear, however, is sweeter and has more Earth energy, making it best for Pitta types. For Vata types, be sure to use a sweet, ripe or cooked pear in your recipe. Pears are excellent liver and blood cleansers. They help to dissolve congestion in the lungs and blood vessels. They reduce heavy menstrual cycles and can reduce acne, inflammation, and heaviness in the body.


Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. Very common in Middle Eastern cooking, it adds a lovely savory note to any dish and is commonly used as a healthy replacement for mayonnaise and cream in recipes. It is high in “Earth” energy and promotes stability in the nervous system, bones, and especially the reproductive system. From the Western perspective, it is a good source of plant-based calcium and phytoestrogens, making it great for females with low or irregular periods and weak bones. Nearly 5000 years ago, Ayurveda stated that sesame seeds help to regularize periods and strengthen the bones, as well. They are also great for reducing anxiety and bodily dryness.

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