Let me just start off by saying these Ayurvedic Broccoli Corn Burgers are ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! They have a subtle sweet taste from the corn flour and a beautiful freshness from the vegetables. They are the perfect dish to balance out both Pitta and Kapha dosha. This gluten-free, low-fat, sugar-free recipe is great for losing weight, reducing cravings, reducing anger, improving fatigue, and reducing oily skin. They are quick to make and so enjoyable to eat over a salad in the summer time or over cooked quinoa or millet in the other seasons!

I highly recommend making the pumpkin mustard sauce as well. It goes very nicely with the burgers and helps to balancing Pitta and Kapha dosha as well. Vata types can also enjoy these burgers with a whole wheat tortilla or brown rice if they have a relatively balanced digestion.

Recipes like these Broccoli Corn Burgers can help if you want to:

  • Reduce excess weight, growths, and cysts
  • Reduce body inflammation, burning, and swelling
  • Reduce anger, lethargy, and depressive emotions
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Get energized and clear body toxins
  • Clear red, oily skin
  • Reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, high in Air energy. It is excellent for reducing inflammation, bodily fat, swelling, redness, acne, heartburn, and heavy menstrual bleeding. It is one of the largest plant-based sources of calcium and has more Vitamin C than citrus fruits by volume.  It is great for balancing Pitta dosha when raw and cooked, as well as Kapha dosha when cooked. While Vata types normally cannot digest cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is the easiest for them to digest. Vata types can enjoy the benefits of broccoli if well cooked with digestive spices.

Corn and Corn Flour

In moderate amounts, corn is balancing for all doshas. It has a sweet vipaka (post-digestion energy) and is a moderate Air energy food. It is best for Kapha dosha, especially for providing natural sweetness for Kapha types on a low sugar diet. It is useful in treating urinary problems and a good food source for diabetes and those with excess weight.


Cumin is great for all dosha types. It is a common spice used in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Mediterranean cuisine, used either in ground powder or whole seed form. It is a “warming” spice that helps to ignite digestion and keep the metabolism functioning properly. White cumin seed is balancing to all doshas, and black cumin seed is best for Kapha and Vata types (can upset Pitta dosha in excess). It is excellent for dissolving excess weight and mucus, reducing gas and bloating, and making foods easier to digest, especially beans. It is commonly used in a post-meal salty buttermilk in Indian culture to help with digestion.

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I am Kristina Barile, CAHC, MS. I am a nationally certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and want to share the power of Ayurvedic healing with you! I created Blissfud to help you bring Ayurveda into your own home, nourish your body and mind in a natural way, and share hand-crafted plant-based recipes for every body type! For more personalized plans, I am available for private, online consultations.

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