Is your love of cheese keeping you from switching to a plant-based diet? This salty, savory snack is often a part of our favorite foods – pasta, pizza, a fruit/crackers plate. What I love most about experimenting with plant foods is to try and capture all the joy and taste from the foods I used to eat AND making it more nutritious and nourishing. So, I’m sharing this delicious, Ayurvedic Raw Cultured Sunflower Cheese that I know you will love!

It requires only TWO ingredients and only 2 minutes of work! It is vegan, nut-free, gluten-free, and raw. Milk-based cheeses have a “heavy” energy and can cause lethargy, heaviness, weight gain, and fatigue. This Cultured Sunflower Cheese has all the salty, acidic taste of a soft cheese, but it is “light” in energy and free of common allergens.

This soft cheese is excellent to serve with crackers. You can also slice zucchini and top with this cheese and fresh herbs like dill and mint to make a tasty raw, plant-based snack! Sunflower seeds are one of the few tridoshic foods in Ayurveda. This means that they can benefit ALL body types.

This plant-based cheese is also naturally fermented. This creates probiotic, beneficial bacteria for the gut. This bacteria helps to predigest the seeds, making it very easy to pass through the system. I hope you give this a try. Let me know what you think!

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:

Sunflower Seeds

A tridoshic seed, sunflower seeds are great for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas when used in small to moderate amounts. They have a sweet, warming, Earthy quality and help to build bone and muscle, reduce Pitta-type inflammation, reduce cholesterol, clear the lungs, and clear the lymphatic system. They are excellent for diabetics and weight loss.

Rock Salt

Rock salt is salt that is mined at high altitudes, most commonly from regions close to the Himalayas. It is drying and hot in potency. It does not behave the same in the body as regular table salt. While processed table salt contributes to toxin buildup, rock salt helps to dissolve toxins and “ama.” It relieves congestion, bloating, and water retention. It is great for urinary disorders such as diabetes and for cysts, growths, and fluid secretions. It also helps to promote a regular digestion.

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