What makes a good salad? For me, a salad has to have a delicious dressing to bring everything together. That is what makes this Lebanese Fattoush Salad so unique and delicious! It uses classic Middle Eastern spices and flavorings like sumac and pomegranate molasses to create an inviting salad that will satisfy your belly and bring your Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha back into balance!

A classic Fattoush Salad is a mix of bell pepper, romaine lettuce, cucumber, and tomato. It typically comes with deep fried pita bits to add crunch. This also was done to use up stale bread so it did not go to waste. The dressing is traditionally a garlic-lemon dressing flavored with sumac.

Garlic and the deep fried pita bits are considered “rajasic” and “tamasic” foods in Ayurveda. This means they heat the body with excess Fire/Pitta energy. They also disturb the mind from a peaceful state and can contribute to lethargy, inflammation, liver malfunction, acne, and other issues.

In Ayurveda, there are also several known “toxic” food combinations. These foods cannot be digested well together. One of the combinations is tomato and cucumber, cucumber and lemon, and tomato and lemon. These foods will ferment in the stomach, creating a sticky toxin buildup called “ama” in Ayurveda. A buildup of ama will burden your digestion and will travel deeper into your tissues if not remedied.

In this recipe, I’ve created a healthier version that will REDUCE your Pitta/Fire energy. It has all healthy food combinations so that you don’t have to worry about compromising your digestion when you eat this delicious salad. This salad is gluten-free, refined sugar free, nut free, vegan, and soy free. It is also garlic-free and onion-free so we do not agitate our Pitta dosha and mind.

Vata types can enjoy this salad if their digestion is strong. Pitta and Kapha types can enjoy this salad any time of the year.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Reduce excess weight, growths, and cysts
  • Reduce body inflammation, burning, and swelling
  • Reduce anger, lethargy, and depressive emotions
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Get energized and clear body toxins
  • Clear red, oily skin
  • Reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:

Celery Leaves

A well-known cleanser, celery is a diuretic. It is great for losing excess weight and water in the body. It is high in “Air” energy, making it especially good for Pitta and Kapha imbalances. Its bitter taste also helps to cleanse the liver, spleen, and blood. It promotes clear vision and dissolves accumulations within the body such as cysts, tumors, and toxic “ama” buildup. It promotes a healthy, stable appetite and blood sugar.

Pomegranate Molasses

Pomegranate is a naturally sour and astringent fruit. Its astringent and dry taste makes it great for dissolving excess weight, heat, oil, and water in the body. It helps to clean the blood and Fire-related organs (liver, gallbladder, spleen). It helps to reduce gallstones and kidney stones. It promotes healthy vision and reduces a heavy menstrual flow. It helps to dry oily, red skin. It reduces inflammation and acidic digestion. It is best for Pitta and Kapha dosha. The molasses is a concentrated sweetener, which may upset Kapha in large amounts. The molasses is more easily digestible to Vata than the fruit itself. The molasses is excellent for Pitta dosha.


A Middle Eastern spice made from a red dried fruit, this spice is dry, astringent, and sour in nature. It primarily helps to reduce Pitta dosha, reducing infections, inflammation, bleeding, ulcers, and diarrhea. It is also balancing for Kapha dosha in small amounts. It stabilizes blood sugar, reduces excess fat, and creates a stable appetite. It also relieves gas and improves circulation.

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