Enjoy this Ayurvedic salad to balance Pitta and Kapha elements within you! Ideal for the spring and summer seasons and in more progressive deep tissue disorders to cleanse ama (toxins) from the body.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Lose weight
  • Fight skin inflammation
  • Balance digestion
  • Fight edema
  • Keep blood sugar stable
  • Fight bodily burning sensations
  • Clear bodily fatigue, stagnation, and lethargy

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this Ayurvedic Salad include:

Sprouted Red Lentils

Sprouting red lentils doubles their iron content and converts the hard-to-digest starches to protein. Sprouted red lentils are a LIVE food. You can plant them and a new plant will grow. By consuming this life potential in its raw, uncooked state, you are truly feeding your body life-giving energy and vitality.


A bitter herb that helps balance both Pitta and Kapha with its high “Air/Space” qualities.

Green Bell Pepper

A slightly astringent/sweet vegetable with high “Air” energetics, making it pacifying for both Pitta and Kapha, targeting especially the blood and fat tissue.


Known as “Kerala” in South India, where Ayurvedic traditions have remained strong for thousands of years, this vegetable is used as an ama-pachana, which translates to “toxin remover.” Used especially in diseases of the deeper tissues, such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, and heart congestion, bittergourd helps to remove congestion in the blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract in order to promote healthy assimilation of nutrients.

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