Your digestion is telling you more about your health that you may think. In fact, in Ayurveda, the state of your digestion is big part of understanding what imbalances there are in your body. The body is simply an accumulation of food, everything you have eaten in your life. Ayurveda recognizes the digestive tract as the single most important part of the body to keep in balance because what you digest (and what you don’t) is literally what you become. Everything you consume becomes a part of you, part of your skin, your hair, your growth. This is why digestion issues are almost always at the root of health trouble. By focusing on healing digestion, you can transform the body and take back your health.

Food in your digestive tract either gets absorbed, passes through, or lingers in the system. Any undigested or unassimilated food first brings toxins (called “ama” in Ayurveda) into the lymph fluid and blood, and then it corrupts the muscles, fat, and deeper tissues over a period of time.

The digestive tract is the foundation upon which the rest of your body is built. It is the same as building a home. Without a good foundation, the home will collapse under the stress of the objects above. Similarly, we stress our digestive tracts with fried, processed, frozen, and canned foods. Even foods that we might think are “healthy” might not digest well for our particular body type. These “healthy” foods then create digestion issues and become a stress on our body, weighing us down. We often go against the body’s inner intelligence and eat foods we know will not settle well.

Even the mind can affect your digestion. Current research is beginning to prove what Ayurveda has been saying for thousands of years about the healthy mind-healthy gut connection. Thus, we have two major sources of digestion problems: [ulist icon=”fa-check-circle”]

  • Physical stress from eating the wrong foods at the wrong times, eating too much or too little, or eating foods that are not appropriate for your body type.
  • Mental stress from internally hanging on to anxiety, anger, stress, and fear.
[/ulist] Both of these stresses affect our foundation. They form the base on which disease is built over time.

Ayurveda will help you build up the strength in your digestive tract so that all of the nutrients in your food are absorbed into your deeper tissues for your long-term health. A personalized Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle can help you relieve your digestion problems and ensure you digest your food properly. An Ayurvedic meal plan will ensure that you do not leave undigested food to wreak havoc on your body. This is where an Online Video Consultation (click here) with me will help. I will guide you on how to heal your digestion naturally and thus prevent disease.

We must remember that digestion problems are a reflection of what we are eating, how we are eating, and what we are thinking. If we want different results, we need to put in or do something different. It is a complicated system, and Ayurveda has spent thousands of years perfecting its understanding of this important process, and I’m happy to share this knowledge with you.

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