This vibrant Green Raw Oil-free Dressing is perfect for summer salads. It is tridoshic and provides balance to all body types.  It is oil-free, salt-free, and refined sugar free, making it great for weight loss and diabetics. This dressing is especially great for fighting fatigue. If you are feeling lethargic, uninspired, or low energy, give this dressing a try on a lunch-time salad or pour it over roasted sweet potatoes or carrots for a special treat!

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this Raw Oil-Free Dressing  include:


A very sattvic, easy-to-digest vegetable, zucchini has a predominantly Water energy, which makes it great for Vata and Pitta types. It helps to balance anxiety, anger, a frazzled nervous system, and irregular menstrual flow.


A well-known cleanser and diuretic, it is great for eliminating excess weight and water in the body. It is high in “Air” energy, making it especially good for Pitta and Kapha imbalances.


Pear is high in “Air” energy, making it perfect for balancing excess Earth and Fire dosha, which are typically experienced by Pitta and Kapha types. A ripened pear, however, is sweeter and has more Earth energy, making it best for Pitta types. For Vata types, be sure to use a sweet, ripe or cooked pear in your recipe. Pears are excellent liver and blood cleansers. They help to dissolve congestion in the lungs and blood vessels. They reduce heavy menstrual cycles and can reduce acne, inflammation, and heaviness in the body.

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