This Raw Fennel Beetroot soup is a beautiful, colorful dish that can balance both Pitta and Vata dosha. When taken raw, it is especially cleansing for Pitta dosha. Our Pitta dosha, which is related to our Fire energy, may be increased during the Fire season (the summer time), during a heated argument or stressful times, or if you are a Pitta-type eating Pitta-aggravating foods, such as spicy, fried, oily foods. Use this recipe to keep your internal Fire element calm. For Vata types, take this recipe slightly warmed.

The best part about this soup is that it takes only 5 minutes to make! For us busy-body Vata and Pitta types, this is so easy to work into our schedules for a wholesome meal. This soup is refreshing and excellent for cleansing the liver of toxins, brightening the skin, and giving you balanced energy throughout the day.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Improve fertility
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Fight bodily inflammation
  • Balance acidic or unstable digestion
  • Clear dry, oily, or combination skin
  • Keep blood sugar stable
  • Fight bodily burning sensations
  • Balance hot and dry emotions such as anger and anxiety

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


Beets are high in Earth energy, due to their natural sweetness. The “sweet” taste calms both Pitta and Vata dosha.


An excellent stem vegetable for health of the reproductive organs, fennel is high in Earth and Water energy. It has a licorice-like flavor and promotes fertility, healthy nerves, smooth skin, and a calm mind.


High in Earth and Water energy, coconut is calming to both Pitta and Vata dosha. The meat from a young coconut can be used in smoothies for added potassium. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte source. Coconut milk is best when preservative-free and made fresh from grated coconut to maximize nutritional benefit. It is great for balancing anxiety and anger, as well as promoting healthy reproductive tissue and lactation.

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