Vegan, gluten-free, and grain-free, these Mung Bean Carrot Burgers are easy to digest, easy to make, and a flavorful option for a homemade, Ayurvedic meal! Mung beans are one of the only beans in Ayurveda that are digestible for ALL Ayurvedic body types! While most beans and legumes can create gas and bloating, especially for Vata body types, mung beans help to RELIEVE gas, regulate bowel movements, and relieve built-up toxins!

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry or oily skin
  • Balance indigestion and constipation
  • Balance cold and dry emotions such as lethargy and anxiety
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Keep blood sugar stable

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in these Mung Bean Carrot Burgers include:

Mung Beans

A tridoshic bean, mung bean is balancing for ALL Ayurvedic body types. It is one of the only beans that is easily digestible for everyone, regardless of your digestive state. It is often used for persons who have a very weak digestion in order to build up their natural energy. It is useful for clearing ama (undigested food and toxic matter) from the digestive tract as well.


Carrots are slightly sweet root vegetables with a heating energy. They are great for balancing Vata and Kapha body types. They help to keep the blood sugar stable. For Vata types, they help with gaining weight. With Kapha types, they help to lose weight. They are great for eye health and liver cleansing. Pitta types can use sparingly and combined with other Pitta-balancing ingredients such as leafy greens and legumes.


A warming spice, this spice is best suited for Kapha and Vata types. It stimulates digestion, clears accumulations and growths, aids the nervous system and supports the joints. It is excellent for clearing body ama and toxins as well as improving natural energy and reducing fatigue.