Typically made with anchovies and a milk-based dressing, it’s difficult to find a Vegan Kale Caesar Salad that packs a punch and satisfies just like the traditional version! I’ve come up with this delicious, plant-based version that is Ayurvedic, vegan, gluten-free, nut-free and helpful for balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha types (with some adjustments for each body type).

With the mix of greens, this salad is vibrant, fresh, energizing, and cleansing of bodily “ama,” or toxin accumulation. The dressing provides a savory, tangy note with a blend of healthy fats to keep you full and satisfied. The dressing is more Vata-balancing, while the salad is more Pitta and Kapha balancing. When combined, it is a good recipe for those with relatively balanced doshas.

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Reduce excess weight, growths, and cysts
  • Reduce body inflammation, burning, and swelling
  • Reduce anger, lethargy, and depressive emotions
  • Clear mucus in the stool
  • Get energized and clear body toxins
  • Clear red, oily, and dry skin
  • Reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


A bitter green, Kale is high in Air energy. It is excellent for Pitta and Kapha types. It dissolves excess heat in the body (inflammation, acne, eczema, burning sensations, ulcers). It also dissolves excess water in the body (congestion, mucus, lethargic feeling). It is great for cleansing heavy, toxic “ama” accumulation that blocks the channels and creates high blood pressure, cysts, heart disease, and other imbalances.


Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. Very common in Middle Eastern cooking, it adds a lovely savory note to any dish and is commonly used as a healthy replacement for mayonnaise and cream in recipes. It is high in “Earth” energy and promotes stability in the nervous system, bones, and especially the reproductive system. From the Western perspective, it is a good source of plant-based calcium and phytoestrogens, making it great for females with low or irregular periods and weak bones. Nearly 5000 years ago, Ayurveda stated that sesame seeds help to regularize periods and strengthen the bones, as well. They are also great for reducing anxiety and bodily dryness.

Lime Juice

Lime is an excellent Pitta-pacifying ingredient. In small amounts, it is also cleansing of ama, or toxin accumulation, for Vata and Kapha types as well. It is sour, which is a heating quality, but has a cooling post-digestive effect, which makes it a great ingredient when used in small amounts. It helps to balance acidic, slow, and dry digestion, inflammation, diarrhea, and skin disorders. It also helps to reduce accumulations in the body, including kidney stones and gallstones, cysts, and tumors.


Capers are high in “Earth energy” and have a high oil and salt content. They are generally cured in salt and vinegar, which makes them most helpful for Vata types. They help to strengthen the body, build the blood, improve the transport of oxygen in the body, reduce dryness, and increase the flow of stool. They should be consumed in small amounts for Pitta and Kapha types.