This Nutty Caramel Smoothie is the perfect mix between a sweet treat and a healing smoothie, perfect for balancing our Vata dosha. Kapha types can also enjoy this smoothie with some adjustments.

This smoothie has brain-nourishing nuts, sweet banana, and a special Ayurvedic blend of spices to reduce mucus and toxin accumulation as well as provide grounding Earth energy to reduce nervous tension. Give this recipe a try during the fall season or during a stressful day to bring your body and mind back into balance!

Recipes like this can help if you want to:

  • Enhance fertility and reproductive health
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Fight dry or oily skin
  • Balance indigestion and constipation
  • Balance cold and dry emotions such as lethargy and anxiety
  • Balance hormones, especially reproductive system
  • Keep blood sugar stable

Ayurvedic Healing Ingredients

Some of the Ayurvedic energetics of the ingredients in this recipe include:


When taken ripe and sweet, bananas are high in Earth and Fire energy and are especially beneficial to reduce an excessive Air energy (Vata dosha). They can reduce Pitta dosha but will increase Pitta energy in excess. Bananas provide strength, increase fertility, and help to bulk up the blood. When slightly underripe, bananas have more Air energy due to their astringent and dry taste. Underripe bananas are best for Pitta types and reducing excess Fire energy, such as in diarrhea.


High in Earth energy, these nuts help to stabilize a shaky nervous system and improve an irregular reproductive system and scanty menstrual flow. They improve fertility, provide strength, and lubricate the brain and body channels with their naturally high oil content, a wonderful source of healthy unsaturated fats.


Cardamom is the perfect Vata-balancing spice. It is also soothing to Kapha dosha. It is calming and soothing to any erratic system in the body, whether it’s the digestive system with bloating and constipation, or the nervous system with tension and spasms.

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